A Curious Phenomenon: Ambien Amnesia

Ambien, the brand name of the medication zolpidem, manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, is a very popular treatment for insomnia. It has fewer side effects, less lingering grogginess and only a slight risk of abuse compared to the traditional insomnia medications like barbiturates and benzodiazepines. As such, Ambien has become the first line insomnia treatment in America. But with Ambien’s increasing popularity, the frequency of reports of people forgetting what they’ve done and doing strange things while under Ambien’s spell is increasing as well. I call this curious phenomenon “Ambien Amnesia.” I’m an Ambien Amnesiac myself so I can attest to this side effect firsthand. Well, not exactly firsthand since I don’t remember what I’ve done, but you know what I mean.

Driving while under the influence of Ambien is arguably the most dangerous and extreme form of Ambien Amnesia. When the drivers are ultimately pulled over or are questioned after traffic accidents, they claim they have no memory of the incident. I can believe it. Thankfully I’ve never wandered out to my car and driven away after taking my nightly Ambien, but it doesn’t surprise me one bit that people do. However, it is not known just how many traffic accidents or traffic stops are due to Ambien because it is not a drug routinely tested for in DUI cases. According to a New York Times article, author Stephanie Saul recounts an email from a Sanofi-Aventis representative asserting the safety of Ambien. However, the representative does acknowledge that they “are aware of reports of people driving while sleepwalking.”

Another curious form of Ambien Amnesia is eating or drinking at night after taking Ambien. While this may not seem terribly dangerous, it can damage your health. In an article from CBS News, correspondent John Blackstone spoke with the medical director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Clinic, Dr. Mark Mahowald, about Ambien-related sleep-eating. “We’ve had people eat very inappropriate things that they would never eat while awake. Some examples would be buttered cigarettes, salt sandwiches, and raw bacon,” Dr. Mahowald said. One woman interviewed for the same report claims that she has gained 100 pounds since she began taking Ambien because of sleep-eating. Sanofi-Aventis does acknowledge that sleep-eating can be a side effect of Ambien but they continue to assert that “when taken as prescribed, Ambien is a safe and effective treatment for insomnia.

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Other cases of Ambien Amnesia are milder and not as dangerous. The FDA medication guide for Ambien reports some of the memory-related side effects include talking on the phone or having sex. The guide goes on to say that the user may “do an activity that [they] do not know [they] are doing.” I can personally attest to the fact that this mild form of Ambien Amnesia does exist as I experience it almost nightly. Because reporting of side effects to the FDA is voluntary, no one knows just how prevalent this form of Ambien Amnesia really is. Many people are afraid to admit to periods of amnesia–if they know about the episodes that is. The website for Ambien CR states that the memory side effects can be avoided if you get the full seven to eight hours of sleep that the manufacturer recommends. It has also been suggested that taking Ambien immediately before going to bed, instead of say, half an hour or an hour before going to bed, will also lessen the likelihood of memory loss and strange behaviors.

The incidence of Ambien Amnesia is certainly going to increase as the drug is prescribed to more people. If taken as prescribed and not mixed with other drugs, especially alcohol, the likelihood of an amnesia episode is greatly reduced. Ambien is a very effective treatment for insomnia, for some it is the only medication that has ever worked, but patients need to be made aware of this rare and curious but potentially serious side effect.

See also  Lunesta Versus Ambien

Stephanie Saul, “Some Sleeping Pill Users Range Far Beyond Bed.” New York Times.
Melissa McNamara and John Blackstone, “Ambien May Prompt Sleep-Eating.” CBS News.
Federal Drug Administration, “Ambien Medication Guide.” (PDF) Federal Drug Administration.
Sanofi-Aventis, “Ambien CR Side Effects.” Sanofi-Aventis.
