A Collection of Father’s Day Poems

It seems that Father’s Day comes and goes without as much fanfare as Mother’s Day.

We love our dads, but a lot of the emotional energy in our lives is channeled toward and invigorated by our mothers. Thankfully, the past few years has brought a slight shift in the pendulum, with more fathers recognizing the importance of their emotional involvement in their children’s lives.

It is only right, then, that we should also honor our dad on Father’s Day with kindness, gifts, and appreciation.

These poems about Father are appropriate for Father’s Day or any time of year when you want to celebrate your dad, reflect on your relationship with your father, or just say thanks.

Father’s Day Poems : Daddy’s Hands

Daddy’s Hands

Daddy’s hands were…
Callous from hard work,
Crevassed with stains of dirt,
And Darkened by the light of the sun.

Daddy’s strong hands…
Held me tightly when I cried,
Supported the back end of the bike,
And pushed the swing ever so high.

Daddy’s big hands…
Made me feel safe,
Held me in his embrace,
And pushed fear and monsters away.

Daddy’s clenched hands…
Meant what he said,
Held back his own tears,
And showed nerves I never heard in his voice.

Daddy’s big hands…
Took me by the arm,
Escorted me down the aisle,
And placed me in the loving hands of another.

Daddy’s big hands…
Seem smaller now, but no less stronger.
Tremble, but not with fear,
And still reach out to hold me tightly.

Daddy’s hands….
Have helped etch the story of my life.
Lifted me up so I could soar.
And picked me up every time I fell down.

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Daddy’s hands are…
Full of strength and compassion;
Guidance, correction, and love;
Were big, but never as big as Daddy’s heart.


Father’s Day Poems: Memories with Daddy

Memories with Daddy

Remember the nights Mom worked late;
You and I would go out to eat?
I don’t think that Mom every knew
Dinner was ice cream treats.

Carnivals set up in parking lots.
We went to more than a few.
Candied apples and cotton candy,
And share hot boiled peanuts with you.

We would go fishing at Grisom’s lake;
Water was shallow and sandy.
You fished. I waded in my bare feet.
This kind of fishing was dandy.

We rode the truck that rumbled along.
Me standing by you in the seat.
The dashboard radio crackled out tunes.
Johnny Cash sang smooth and deep.

You, and I, and Mom together,
That was the family I knew.
No one else thought we were rich,
Our wealth was love deep and true.

These days sometimes seem long ago,
But were woven with such a strong stitch,
Time brings no ending to family and love.
Dad carved our family’s own niche.


Father’s Day Poem: My Father, My Example

Dad You Have Taught Me

Dad, you made me a compassionate man.
You taught me love without condition,
I learned to extend a helping hand,
Regardless of a person’s position.

You showed me how to seek the Lord.
You taught me how to pray.
I want to follow God’s Word,
And, like you, to walk in His Way.

Feel free to use these Father’s Day poems on your cards, letters, and gifts. Please give proper attribution to the author, whose profile can be found at the top of the page.

See also  5 Novice Friendly Poetry Journals Online

Happy Father’s Day.