A Collection of Father’s Day Poems

Father’s Day Poem: Dad

Your strong arms swung me in the air.

Now that I’m older your arms are still there.

You worked hard to earn family money,

But never hesitated to ask, “How much you need, honey?”

Hard work and calloused hands remind me of you.

You worked so hard doing what you had to do.

Raising rowdy kids may have been a pain,

Not once did I ever hear you complain.

Your wisdom led me in the ways that were right,

That wisdom still guides me on the darkest of nights.

You’ve grown older, for younger years we both yearn.

You took care of me, now it’s my turn.

Father’s Day Poem: You Wanted Me to Make it On My Own
You always said you were proud of me.
I didn’t always understand it.
When I struck out and fumbled the ball,
You always had a word of encouragement.
I rode my bike proudly,
Then you took off the training wheels.
You wanted me to make it on my own.

I struggled in math and chemistry.
How many hours did you put into my projects?
You took me on my first date.
I was kind of embarrassed.
One day you told me to ask the girl out or get over it.
You wanted me to make it on my own.

When I jumped off the roof, you didn’t get mad.
I think you were glad the trampoline caught me.
When I started driving, you gave me a truck.
My friends were all jealous, and I didn’t understand it.
You taught me personal responsibility.
You wanted me to make it own my own.

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I bounced my bank account.
You arched an eyebrow.
I thought you would give me money and bail me out.
You asked me what I would do.
I wasn’t sure, but I figured it out.
You wanted me to make it own my own.

From here, looking back, it’s all become clear
Thank you, Dad. Because of you,
I can make it on my own.

Father’s Day Poem: Lifeprints
Words scarcely tell of what I have learned.
Some lessons came from your lips, most came from your life.
I’ve seen unshakeable faith.
I learned to walk in righteousness among evil men.
Through your trust, I realized God will see me through life’s storms.
I realize a good name is more valuable than money.
I know violence only kills those who use it.

I watched your life; you were my trainer.
The steps and actions of your life spoke volumes.
I saw unconditional love never waver.
I learned to say, “I love you,” because life is a vapor.
When you lifted me up and dusted me off, I realized I too am to be an encourager.
I realize that truth and correction must be shared, even when it hurts.
I know the value of life.

Volumes could not contain the wisdom you have taught me.
I unearth more of your gems as I grow older.
I see things from your life I would never have known without you.
I’ve learned that you are a man of wisdom and virtue.
As you live words you’ve spoken, I’ve seen what integrity means.
I realize you will not walk with me forever.
I know your lifeprints will always remain in my heart.