Collard Greens and Health Benefits

To get some great vitamins and nutrients naturally, eat collard greens! These greens in a serving size of one cup, are packed with tons of great healthy nutrients. Let me take you through what the best of the nutrients are. Collard greens have 49 calories per serving.

Vitamin K, which is a vitamin that is needed for blood clotting formation as well as helping to process calcium empowering your bone density. And that isn’t the only two things that vitamin K does, it also helps prevent atherosclerosis which is hardening of the arteries. When you consume a serving size of collard greens, you’ll get 704 micrograms of this vitamin, and that is well over fifty percent of your daily allowance.

Collard greens always provide a lot of vitamin A too. You’ll also get over fifty percent of your needed vitamin A allowance at 5945 IU in a serving. Vitamin A works well in the prevention of cancers since it helps to promote healthier cell regeneration and it also is vital to increasing visual functions.

Vitamin C is another great part of collard greens. In one serving size, you will reap the benefits of getting 34.58 milligrams of this very much needed vitamin. Vitamin C is an immune system builder since it fights of free radicals in the body. Another thing that many people also don’t realize, is that vitamin C is essential in the collagen production within bones.

Manganese is another nutrient that collard greens have to offer. Manganese is what is responsible for the processing of not only glucose, but carbohydrates, biotin, and thiamine which are both water-soluble vitamins. This main nutrient also plays certain roles in fatty acids. The level of manganese in collard greens is 1.07 milligrams which is excellent.

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Folate is another ingredient that is an essential nutrient in collard greens. Folate is needed in the body for many different reasons, one of which is the production of healthy cells, and folic acid also plays a role in the processing of homocysteine, an amino acid needed in the body. In a serving of collard greens, you’ll get 176 micrograms of this very essential nutrient.

Our bones need calcium for building them and keeping them strong and free from the effects of osteoporosis. By eating a serving of collard greens, you’ll get 226 milligrams of this essential bone-supportive nutrient. That is on the level of excellent. Not only does collard greens provide us with calcium, but another bone supportive nutrient is magnesium. Magnesium not only is bone supportive, but also nerve supportive, and supportive of our blood glucose levels too. In collard greens, you’ll get 32.30 milligrams of this nutrient.

Dietary fiber is needed for daily roughage and colon health support. It adds bulk to the stool, and therefore keeps us regulated every day. When you eat collard greens in a serving, you’ll be getting 5.32 grams of fiber! Collard greens in your diet should help you to stay free from any constipation problems.

Tryptophan is another nutrient that is essential to nitrogen balances in the body. You’ll get 0.05 grams of this from collard greens.

Collard greens are also great support for getting your very much needed potassium daily. Potassium not only keeps our heart regulated, but it also helps to restore our fluid balances, and plays a role in muscle energy too. By eating just one serving size of collard greens, you’ll be getting 494 milligrams of potassium.

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There is also some vitamin E in collard greens. Vitamin E supports our skin, hair, nail, and red blood cell health. In collard greens there is 1.67 milligrams of this vitamin that is very needed.

Protein is part of this leafy green vegetable since there is 4.01 grams of it here. vegetarians looking for alternative protein sources need to make collard greens a part of their dietary plan. Protein is essential for muscle building and strength along with many other things.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also part of collard greens. You need your omega-3’s for skin health, normal growth and development, and for brain support, prevention of heart disease, and to help bone reduction of inflammation. There is 0.18 milligrams of omega-3’s found in collard greens alone.

Niacin in the form of vitamin B3 is totaled at 1.09 milligrams in a serving of collard greens. Niacin is a cholesterol lowering vitamin that is a naturally occurring substance in the body. Making collard greens part of your diet should be essential if you have cholesterol concerns.

The vitamins B2 and B6 are also part of collard greens. Both of these essential vitamins provide us with healthy red blood cell formation, (B6,) and metabolizing of fats, (B2) There are traces of these vitamins in collard greens, of which there is 0.24 milligrams of B6, and B2, which totals 0.20 milligrams.

There is a trace of iron in collard greens at 0.87 milligrams a serving size. So as a result, it should be part of your diet if you are anemic since iron is what helps red blood cells to form hemoglobin.

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Phosphorus is another nutrient that totals 49.40 milligrams per serving of collard greens. This nutrient plays a role in bone health since it helps calcium to process properly in the body.

Finally, zinc is another mineral found in these greens. Collard greens contains 0.80 milligrams. This mineral puts into action, 100 enzymes in the body which play roles in wound healing, our senses of taste and smell, and also reduces stress health.

This then, is the main highlights of nutrition in collard greens. It is easy to use them for making a salad as part of your daily meal plans.