Shrinking Fibroids Naturally: It Can Be Done!

Fibroids are a menace to women’s fertility, they can place themselves either on the outside, middle muscle of the uterus, or on the inside of the uterus. Fertility is mostly hampered from the ones on the inside of the uterus, but depending on the size, fertility can also be hampered from the ones placed in the middle of the uterine muscle as well. Fertility can be harmed because the zygote (fertilized egg), tries to embed into the uterine lining and is interrupted by the fibroid. It can end in a later period than usual, wherein the women had no idea she conceived, or a miscarriage. Either way, its disappointing to the hopeful couple trying to conceive. If you’ve been diagnosed with them, heres some good news. They can shrink with some good healthy living and a liver cleanse or two. Lets first look at the reason they occur in the first place.

Fibroids seems to occur more often as we age, however I have known some younger gals with them as well. Fibroids occur due to excess estrogen. Now, why do we have fibroids from a hormone we’ve had all of our lives, and why is it in excess? Well…as we age we get more congested, over burdened livers just from living life, and if there has been alot of use of alcohol, drugs, or just plain poor dietary habits, that situation can be exacerbated all the more. Excess estrogen is usually handled by our livers. It has the job of ridding us of that, as well as everything else it handles. Just another reason to treat it with respect folks. Because our livers are congested with a lifetime of toxin build up, our excess hormones don’t get taken out of us as efficiently, resulting in a good environment for fibroids to grow and thrive. They tend to get bigger from the prevalance of the estrogen and can get quite large, resulting in fertility problems. These nasty things can also cause heavier bleeding during regular menstrual cycles than one would other wise have. Their a real nuisance any way you look at it.

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If yourexperiencing infertility from them, your doctor has probably spoken with you about surgically removing them. However, that will cause some scarring on the uterus, further hampering fertility… so before you surrender to that, it would be well worth trying some alternative measures. There are a number of things you can do to improve your liver function, and shrink these. First of all, a few good liver cleanses are in order here. There a several to choose from, and they will make a good dent in the health of your liver right off the bat. If you do a search on liver cleanses you’ll find quite a few. There are also a few different supplements for improving liver function. They include:

Milk Thistle: It aids your liver in cell rejuvenation, its great for people that have hit their livers hard with toxin, alcohol drugs etc… its a must for improving liver function

Dandelion root: It stimulates bile production and helps purge your liver, in turn aiding in the livers cleansing process

Artichoke: Also has compounds that rejuvenate cells within the liver similar to milk thistle.

Lecithin: This substance comes in granules or capsules and is a form of “good” fat. It contains a B-vitamin called choline which helps protect the liver from deposition of fat in the liver. Our high fat diets deposit too much fat on the liver, causing a condition called fatty liver, which makes it inefficient.

Tumeric: Increases levels of liver supporting enzymes that are important for phase II detoxification within the liver. Also promotes bile production.

This article would not be complete unless I mentioned the profound importance of plenty of raw food in your diet as well. It was created to cleanse us, and the fact that so little of it is eaten shows, by how heavily we rely on the medical field to help us out of the disease we’ve created by not eating it. If time is an issue it is worth buying a decent juicer so that you can drink your raw foods. I wouldn’t be without my juicer…I just don’t have time to spend cutting raw food to eat. So, add this key food to your regimen. It will produce more benefits than you could imagine!

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In conclusion, I would just like to add the fact that, I can attest to these things working, because they’ve worked in my own experience with my very own fibroid. I had found out about a fibroid I had about the size of a nickel, and after doing all these things for quite awhile (I actually just made all of this my daily lifestyle), it went from an over 2 cm fibroid in size down to a 1.2 cm. Then with my last pregnancy, they couldn’t see one when I asked about it. It won’t happen over night, and very large fibroids should probably be evaluated by a doctor if you are experiencing significant symptoms from them. But if they are on the smaller side, there is alot of hope in getting rid of them by all of these measures, with no medical intervention, and the less of that, the better.