7 Ways to Relieve Anxiety Naturally

Everyone suffers from a form of anxiety at some point in their lives, and some may be far worse than others. Often times we may find ourselves worried about bills, or the kids, or the uncertainty of life and this is completely normal. However, sometimes people let anxiety take over their lives, which can affect them both mentally and physically.

Many times anxious feeling can be relieved with some simple changes to your lifestyle. So instead of jumping straight for the next big anti-anxiety medication, use these tips to deal with your anxious feelings naturally and safely.

Naturally Relieve Anxiety Tip #1: Prepare for different possibilities.

Sometimes we are stubborn in the way we want things to work out. If things do not go exactly as we want them to then we feel like we have no control and the anxious feelings set in. When you encounter something big in your life, like a new job or a moving to a new city, make a list of the different possibilities that could arise from the situation. This will allow you to feel prepared in case life decides to give you a surprise.

Naturally Relieve Anxiety Tip #2: Make plans, not expectations.

If we make expectations then we are just setting ourselves up to be disappointed. While you can guide your future, you do not have complete control over the outcome. Instead of expecting something specific from the future, focus on what you can do to reach the outcome that you would like. For instance, make a list of weekly goals that are reasonable and follow it to the best of your ability.

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Naturally Relieve Anxiety Tip #3: Be confident in your adapting skills.

Humans have been dealing with life’s situations through adaptation since the beginning of time. For this reason, it is imperative that you remain confident in your skills to adapt to any given situation. Ask yourself, “What is the worst that could happen?” Chances are once you figure that out you will be able to take on whatever life throws at you.

Naturally Relieve Anxiety Tip #4: Use stress relief techniques preemptively.

Chances are if you are uncertain about something that has yet to happen, stress and anxiety have invaded your body. This can affect your blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall physical and mental wellbeing. Counter these symptoms with preemptive strikes such as daily exercise or meditation. Even just setting aside a few minutes a day to clear your mind makes a tremendous difference in the way your body handles stress.

Naturally Relieve Anxiety Tip #5: Focus on the now.

In order to fully conquer anxiety, you must know what you actually can control. For instance, you cannot control what happens a week from now, but you can control what happens today. When you obsesses over what you cannot control it takes a toll on you. Focus on what you can do today, right now, that will get you closer to the tomorrow that you want.

While all of the aforementioned techniques are great, the most important thing to remember is that no one has a completely controlled and predictable life. You may not know what is coming tomorrow or how it will affect you, but you do know that tomorrow will come. By knowing how to respond to it you will experience much less anxiety and a little more happiness in every aspect of your life.

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Tiny Buddha