7 Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids

With summer almost here, most of us will be spending more time outside with our children. There are lots of things we can do with our children while outdoors. Here are some fun things to do while enjoying the warm summer weather.

Summer Activity #1 – Camping

Camping is the ultimate summer activity. You might not even have to leave your home to camp. You can pitch a tent in your backyard and enjoy the summer night. If you do this, you could even invest in a s’mores maker and enjoy the best camping treat ever. By camping you can educate your child on how to appreciate nature and appreciate the comforts of your home.

Summer Activity #2 – Hiking

Hiking is a great activity you can do with your children, plus you will get a great workout. Hiking is an opportunity to educate your children about the environment. When you go hiking, try to go on a trail that has educational signs along the way. You can also point out to your children the various species of plants, especially those which are poisonous. You should take the time to enjoy the various animals in the area.

Summer Activity #3 – Cloud Watching

Cloud watching is a great summer activity, especially for younger children. Cloud watching gives your child the chance to use his or her imagination. Cloud watching was one my favorite activities as a child. Take part in the activity by pointing out the various shapes of the clouds to your child. By participating in this activity, you are encouraging your child to be creative. Just remember to put on some sunscreen before you head out.

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Summer Activity #4 – Bike Riding

Bike riding is a fun activity which allows your children to get some great exercise. If you live near a beach, take a ride to the beach and enjoy the water. If your area has some nice bike trails, head out for a family ride along the trail. Remember to bring plenty of water and healthy snacks to refuel, especially for longer rides. Also, remember to teach your children about safety by wearing a helmet and teaching the bike riding hand signals.

Summer Activity #5 – Star Gazing

Star gazing is a great opportunity for you to bond with your child and teach him or her about the solar system and astronomy. Star gazing works best when you are several miles away from a city, as city lights create problems when viewing stars. To take part in this great summer activity, you will want to bring a map of the stars. A map of the stars can either be a big map of space, or you can use a wheel with the months and dates to find the constellations. When you use the wheel, hold it directly above and you should be able to identify the constellations on that night. Star gazing can also be an opportunity to educate your child about the Greek mythology, which is used to name the constellations.

Summer Activity #6 – Family Olympics

Having your own family Olympics is a great way to enjoy the summer. My siblings and I used to do this every year. We would have a certain number of events to participate in. You could create an obstacle course in your backyard by setting up various events. Some events you might like to include are: egg carrying race, long jump contest, wheel barrow race, and soccer dribbling races. You could also include bike races, sprints, and shuttle runs. Creating a family Olympics encourages your child to become athletic and competitive while having fun.

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Summer Activity #7 – Sidewalk Drawings

Drawing on the sidewalk is a fun summer activity and encourages creativity for your child. You could have each child lie down on the sidewalk and trace their body and let them fill it in with designs. Also, if you trace your child, tell them to fill in their body with their feelings or how they describe themselves. You can buy stencils and let them color various pictures on the sidewalk. The best thing about sidewalk drawings is that the mess is easy to clean up and you can reuse the canvas. Be sure to keep a watchful eye on your children to make sure they are not wandering off into the road.

Summer brings upon us endless activities to do with our children. Make sure to use every opportunity to teach your child about safety and other educational aspects of the activities you choose. This summer, create family fun by going outside.