7 Natural Ways to Help You Sleep

Millions of people lay awake each night only to stare at the clock. I have done this a few times and I am sure you have to. Recent studies show, by not getting enough sleep it can lead to serious health problems. A good night’s sleep can not only help keep you bright and focused the next day, it can also keep you more healthy. Try some of these natural ways to fall asleep at night.

Bath- Try and warm bath to relax you, add some candles and some soft music in the back ground. Some people even use scented oils such as jasmine or lavender. This will help relax you, which should help you fall asleep.

The chillow- This is a new pillow that has recently hit the market. I will be getting one of these soon. This pillow is for the people who just love cold pillows. If you stay awake at night because you are always flipping your pillow then you should try one of these. This heavy duty enclosed pillow is filled with special gel, you add water to it to keep it cool. That’s all you have to do. Keeping your head cool at night, will make you fall asleep faster and make you sleep better.

Schedule- Yes this not only works for children but works great for adults to. If your body is use to getting up at a certain time on the weekdays then do the same on the weekend. Going to bed at the same time at night is needed also.

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Exercise- Yes its that word once again. Seems this word ends up in all the conversations. You need to give your body a reason to be tired. If you don’t do any labor or anything to get your heart pumping then you wont feel the need to go to sleep. Just doing some brisk walking a few times a week will help you. Make sure what ever you do ends at least 3 hours before bed time.

Stress free- Often enough people lay awake thinking about one thing or another. Death, money or just plain worried can make you not sleep. If you have a journal write in it before bed time. If you don’t have one I suggest getting one. Writing your thoughts down gets them off your chest and out of your head. If you start to think about it while your trying to sleep tell your self you wrote it down and not to think of it anymore.

No eating- Avoid eating foods late at night. Foods that are high in sugar will raise your blood sugar. While you should be able to fall asleep. You will not be able to stay asleep.

No caffeine- Stop drinking all caffeine products in the evening. Caffeine is meant to keep you awake and going. You don’t want this when you are trying to fall asleep.