6 Ways to Supress Your Appetite Naturally Without Diet Pills

Natural diet aids are few and far between. Natural diet aids that don’t involve swallowing horse-sized pills are almost non-existent. Over the years though I have tried a few successful means of naturally suppressing my appetite without the aid of pills. They have worked for me and may help you in the battle of the bulge as well.

1. Tea – Tea is one of the best natural appetite suppressants that I know of. Many diets want you to discontinue eating at least three hours before you go to bed. Generally I try to not eat any food after dinner. I find that I get hungry though. I like to make a large cup of Earl Grey tea. I sweeten it with a few packets of Splenda. I always feel full after this, my appetite is under control without spending money on expensive diet pills. I also don’t have to worry about any unusual side effects. The best thing about hot tea is that it works well with almost every diet out there. Whether you are going the low calories route or the latest low carb diet a mug of hot tea is allowed. Tea is also lower in caffeine than coffee. You can also find it in herbal varieties that have no caffeine to keep you awake at night.

2. Exercise – Yes, exercise is meant to make you lose weight, but your body also releases natural endorphins that suppress you appetite when you exercise. I like to walk for about thirty minutes at a brisk pace on the treadmill in the evening after dinner sometimes to curb my appetite. I always sleep better after a little extra exercise and find that my appetite is more under control. There is no need to break out in a rolling sweat with an aerobics or heavy weight lifting. A simple brisk walk for about twenty to thirty minutes is all your need to naturally suppress your appetite until the morning.

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3. Water – Water is a fabulous natural appetite suppressant. To help lose weight I always drink an entire glass of water before each meal. Often I will drink this when I am preparing lunch or dinner. The water fills your stomach naturally, suppressing your appetite and increasing your metabolism at the same time. Your body needs water to metabolize, so you are getting double duty with this natural appetite suppressant. In the winter sometimes I like to change this up by squeezing a little lemon into some hot water and stirring in a packet of Splenda. This really works well for me.

4. Coffee – Coffee is a natural appetite suppressant as well as a diuretic. Hot or cold coffee is a great way to curb your appetite in the morning or afternoon. It also makes a great snack replacement.

5. Salad – Although salad may not be a naturally appetite suppressing food or drink, if you eat a salad with low fat dressing at the start of very meal you will become full faster. It can keep you from eating as many calories at a meal as you normally would. It is low in fat, high in fiber, and takes quite a bit of chewing. Sometimes the simple motion of chewing can trick your brain into feeling full.

6. Protein – Protein is a fabulous way to suppress your appetite naturally. Protein takes longer to digest and does not affect your blood sugar in the way that carbohydrates do. A stable blood sugar level helps speed weight loss. The protein will keep you feeling full longer. This is the basis of many popular diets and lifestyles. Atkins, South Beach and The Zone all rely on protein to regulate blood sugar, encourage metabolism, and curb appetite.

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