6 Kitchen Safety Tips for Kids

Family bonding is an essential component in child development. It is good for parents to plan some fun activities for their kids from time to time and cooking is one wise consideration. In pursuing this hobby, one must remember that giving in to the curious and autonomous personality of kids has its limits. You have to be acquainted with the know-how on kitchen safety for children. Here are some points to make cooking time a fun, educational and SAFE bonding activity for the whole family.

Wear Proper Cooking Attire

Put on apron-mitten-ponytail attire when working in the kitchen. Not only do aprons keep your outfit from food stains, it can also prevent transfer of grime that may be present on your clothes. The mittens serve as protection from heat and tidy hair prevent contamination.

Hand Washing

Hand washing is a universal precaution. They are of the essence because it can rid the food from bacteria and other harmful substances. You must then develop this habit to your kids before and after cooking.

Gas Stove: No Kids Zone

Since working with the gas range is very hazardous, you must keep your little chefs away from it at all times. Instead, you can ask them to do other cooking-related stuff that is safer. Opt for easy tasks as these will boost their confidence and assure safety because of its achievability. Examples are washing fruits, mixing the bowl’s contents, putting ingredients and setting up the table.

No Sharps for Kids

Chopping and activities involving sharps must be reserved for the adults only. Children don’t know the hazard that these utensils may cause if not used properly. They are naturally curious around things that are new to their sight so keep an eye on them. Kids also tend to be very naughty around the area so accidents are very likely.

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Keep Covers

Items like pot holders and mittens could also secure the working place. They protect you and your kids from direct heat exposure thus, preventing burns. These things must always be visual so they can easily be accessed. Teach kids the habit of using them so they will not forget when they are already allowed to use the stove.

Clean As You Cook

Little spills during cooking time must not wait to get cleaned up. If these tiny trickles stay ignored, they can pile up and make the kitchen very messy before you even notice. These slippery drops may also cause falls and injuries if not cleanse right away.

Plus Points! Throughout the activity, affirm your little chef for doing well. Little encouraging remarks will enhance their self-esteem and make them want to do more. After cooking, eat together as a family and talk about how great the contribution of your kid was.

Cooking stir up their motor and social skills. They feel a sense of love and appreciation which are very important in the growing-up stages. Just remember to have fun and observe safety precautions while you’re on it.