6 Arguments Against Gay Marriage that Don’t Work

There are some people who, despite the nature of our times, insist on being homophobic or outright anti-gay. They’ve currently cropped up in the gay marriage debate. They usually cling to a few basic talking points, which are easily deconstructed. Let’s take a look at the few of the big ones.

It’s Not Natural!
Well, it happens in nature, it’s hard to get more natural than that.

Just for a personal touch, I had a male dog that showed no interest in females, or even legs…but when another male dog was around, he went ballistic. I had no problem hanging around that dog. Great animal.

Granted, homosexuals can’t reproduce, and that’s against one of the basic things that animals strive for. But hey, we’re humans, we can transcend that. And what if homosexuality is a natural cure for overpopulation? It could be that gays are saving a lot more lives by not reproducing than they would make were reproduction possible. If you say that you know what nature intends, that’s very similar to speaking for nature, or God or what have you. That’s kind of arrogant.

The Bible’s Against It!

The Bible’s against lots of things, and it supports a lot of bad things like slavery if you read certain sections. The Bible has a ton of contradictions if you take it literally. The same page of Leviticus that slams the gays also berates people who wear clothing made of two different fibers.Ultimately, as hard as it is, you’ve got to use your own judgment. If you believe in God, then why else would He give you judgment? Don’t get me wrong, the Bible’s got a lot of wisdom, but only if you look at it without prejudice and with a deep, thoughtful nature.
Also, the Bible goes against certain sexual acts particular quite a bit, yet not all gay people practice said acts (I’ll keep it civil and not mention anything by name). Lesbians in particular, of course. Stop associating a sexual act with a sexual orientation. Don’t make assumptions about what people are doing.

It’s Filthy!

Lots of people think lots of things are filthy, dude. We can’t outlaw stuff or hold prejudices towards people because of your sexual hang ups.
For instance, I’m disgusted by the thought of obese people having sex. You may be, too. Yet I fully support fat peoples’ rights to get married, have sex, and do whatever they want. I don’t care if fat people move in next door to me. What they choose to do in their bedrooms doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

The Founding Fathers Would Hate It!

I don’t know, did you see the founding fathers’ wigs?

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It’s Immoral!
Well, I don’t think so. Maybe you do. So what? Keep your morals out of politics and be civil to people. You owe them that.

No, marriage is a legal institution. It means different things to different people. Not all married people are religious. There are hundreds of religions that celebrate marriage in hundreds of ways. Some people don’t even take marriage very seriously. We allow them to do that because we live in a fairly free country. You have no right to apply your religion’s ideas to other people. If you’d like to do so, go to a different country.

It’s pretty simple to accept people for their differences. We keep going through the same struggles over and over again, and the push is always towards freedom for more and more people. Eventually, the anti-gay people are going to lose. Just look at history, and realize that the current debate has been raging in different forms for centuries. Join the enlightened side now, and your kids’ kids will be able to look on their ancestors with pride rather than distaste.