50 Wedding or Bridal Shower Gifts Regularly Priced Under $10

Tis the season to be spending…graduations, weddings, showers, etc. If you are like me, you’ll hunt up a good deal for these occasions to keep costs reasonable. When I need a gift, I check out the bridal registry and take my list to my local discount store, Target or in our area Meijer. Wal-mart is an option also. I can find really nice, quality products and I don’t pay more than $10.

In this article, You’ll find a list of at least 50 different gifts that you can give that will cost you under $10. These are nice, practical and functional items that every couple will need in any living situation. Don’t worry about duplication; the happy couple will need and use all of these items. Many items just don’t last all that long or are items of which you need several.

$10 is the regular price for each item; if you use coupons and watch for sales, you may get better prices. Each item is listed with the store chain(s) at which I saw it sold under $10. T-Target, W-Walmart, FD – Family Dollar, DG – Dollar General, M – Meijer, K – Kohl’s, S – Sears


Blender ( W, DG, FD)
Portable Hand Mixer (T, W, M, FD, DG)
Coffee Maker (M, FD, DG, W)
20 piece flatware (M, FD, DG, W)
Glassware set (W, FD, DG, T)
Toaster (T, W, M, DG, FD, K, S)
Dish clothes, dish towels and pot-holder set (M, W, T, DG, FD, K)
Large frying pan (FD, DG)
wine glasses (W, M)
Melamine plate and bowl set (10 piece) (FD, DG)
waffle iron (M, W, FD, DG)
spice rack (all stores)
utensils set (M, W, DG, FD, T)
pepper grinder ( all stores)
baking set (cake, muffin and cookie set) (M, W, T, DG, FD)
metal lidded cake pan (M)
trash can (all stores)
food processor (W, DG, FD)
picnic set
tea kettle (M, DG, FD, W)
can opener (electric) (all stores)
knife set in block (W, DG, FD)
glass serving bowl set (all stores)
metal lidded bowl set (all stores)
space heater
fan (W, DG, M, FD)
coffee mug set (all)
coat hooks set (all stores)

See also  CD Players for Kids

heavy shower curtain and hooks (W, DG, FD
plastic shower liner, hooks, soap dish, toothbrush holder and wastebasket set (M, W, T, DG, FD)
wash cloth (5) and towel (2) set ( all stores)
ceramic toothbrush and soap dish set (all stores)
scale (all stores)
rack or stand (DG, FD)

bed pillow set (all stores)
throw or fleece blanket (all stores)
rack or stand (FD, DG)
fitted sheet (all stores)
bedside lamp
mattress pad (M, W, DG, FD)

5 curtain set (FD, DG)
wall clock (all stores)
clock radio (all stores)
throw pillow ( all stores)
laundry basket (all stores)
hamper ( all stores)
iron (M, W, DG, FD)
lamp (M, W, DG, FD)
picture frame (all stores)
candle set (all stores)
occasional table (DG, FD)
outdoor chair (all stores)
picture (FD, DG)
plant (most all stores)

Look for sales and in the clearance section, also. Many stores will put close-outs or items that were initially overpriced here and you will find some bargains at 50-75% off. Check the after season sales also!

I treasure my wedding gifts (after 20 years not many are left!). I believe all women should be thrown another bridal shower at 20 years!
