5 Ways to Support Single Parents on National Single Parents Day

Did you know that March 21st is National Single Parent Day? It’s a time in which the tough job of raising a child (or children) alone can be recognized by the general public. More importantly, it offers up a 24-hour period in which individuals acquainted with or related to single parents can learn a few ways to support them.

Support is a huge requirement for most single parents in order to keep them from going crazy with all of the responsibility of parenting solo. So if you need a few ideas on how to help the single parent, read on. Most of these suggestions, I’ve done myself or watched others do. They don’t require much time from you, only a bit of extra love.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from the majority of single parents is that they are b-r-o-k-e. This fact is understandable because It’s no secret that the U.S. is a two paycheck society. As a result, when a couple divorces or if one dies, it affects the pocket book. As a result, If you have extra money and can spare it, adopt one bill from a single father or single mother. It can be the lowest one like a water bill. Either way, it’ll help him or her out tremendously.

If you are married with children, you can always talk to your spouse about the duties and challenges of child-rearing. However, when you are a single parent, you don’t always have a “soft place” to fall. Therefore, if you know someone who is basically raising his or her child alone, don’t be afraid to lend an ear or even some advice, It will give the person a feeling of camaraderie and needed outlet to spill what’s on their mind. These two things are just what most people require to NOT feel alone in the world.

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Even in a two-parent household, getting ALL of the chores done is a challenge. So, imagine what it’s like for a single parent. How can you help? Mow an extra lawn. Do double duty on trash day. Wash a few extra dishes. It’ll provide relief for the single parent and even help you make a new friend.

Volunteer your time and baby-sit for a single parent for free. If you know what it’s like to raise a child and run a household, you understand that “me” time is vital. Everyone needs it, especially single parents. As a result, any time you can offer, even if it’s only for a couple of hours, give it and watch their child/children. It’ll be an act that any single parent will be forever grateful for.

Do you know what a majority of single parent’s yearn for? Balance. Single mom’s need to give “the influence” of a male figure to their children. Single men need to give “the influence” of a female figure to their children. It’s a job that biology prevents them from doing in a competent way. If you can, dive in and mentor a single parent’s child. You can do it through programs like Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

Don’t forget to celebrate National Single Parent’s Day!