5 Ways to Sell Your Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Comics are in some ways a reasonable investment. For collectors comic book selling is a hard proposition-they just love reading them. But it can also be a profitable one if you do it right. I have made thousands of dollars selling comic books on sites, mainly Ebay. The most I have ever made was for a lot of 50 comics, selling them for upwards of $300. Some think that newer comics are pointless to sell: They don’t hold value. However, even modern comics can sell, as that’s what my $300 one sale was. But usually the older the comic book the higher its value, much like the older the coin or book the higher its value.

If you are ready to sell comic books and graphic novels this article will detail the best ways to do it.

Comic Grading:

The first buy you should make is Overstreet’s Comic Price Guide . This will tell you the value of the comic depending on its quality. This will not be the end of it, as some comics just are more popular than others in the eyes of fans. But it’s a start. Another stop for your more valuable comics is a company called Certified Guarantee Company (CGC) who will grade your book on a 1-10 scale. This costs money, but if you have a very old comic it can add to its value. This is because some people don’t trust your grading: You want their money. When you use CGC, they seal your book in a plastic cover.

If you get an official company endorsement of the comic its value can skyrocket.

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Ebay is by far the best way to sell off pieces of your comic collection. Some sellers make a reasonable income selling top titles. You can sell any kind of comic. One popular market on Ebay is CGC graded comics. And often these are newer titles. The difference is they are in almost perfect condition. For example, a Spider Man #1 from the 1990s may not have much of a market because there are so many copies. If CGC grades the comics as a 10.00 it becomes a collector’s item because of its perfect condition. However, there are hundreds of other comic book sellers, some small comic shops trying to lose some inventory. This means there is a lot of competition. Therefore, there is a good chance that pile of 30 Incredible Hulk comics will sell for $10. Ebay is just one tool. It can be very profitable if you sell the right comics and graphic novels.

Yahoo! groups:

I have watched many sellers post offers for available comics and graphic novels on Yahoo! groups. This cuts out the middle man like Ebay. People might not trust you as much, however, unless you build credibility. Look around the groups and see what seems to be popular. Even if you don’t use Ebay, the auction site is a good way of seeing the value of certain comic books and graphic novels.

Your Own Site:

Lastly, we have another way to sell your comics, your own website. This may sound simple, but it can actually be quite hard, which is why I put it last. How will you sell the items? Will you have online shopping carts? It can get quite complicated. Yet with the advent of companies like Paypal it’s getting easier to sell on your own site. It can be hard to stand out with your own site, as there are plenty of competitors. If you have a blog, or know a friend who does, it can be a good way to get the word out on your site.

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A good strategy is to offer discounted books at the beginning, then asking for customer referrals and posting them on the site. Offer a free comic if they send you a testimonial; often free stuff will make them do it, and you can send a cheaper title to them. People need to trust you in order to buy. Referrals can help.
