5 Ways to Help Your Dog with Arthritis

Is your dog not getting around as quickly as he used to? Are you noticing that your dog is stiff in the morning? If so, your dog may be suffering from the effects of canine osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. Any dog can experience the effects of osteoarthritis, although it’s more common in larger breeds of dog. Fortunately, there are some simple lifestyle changes you can make to help your dog with arthritis experience less joint discomfort. Here are some ways to relieve arthritis pain in dogs:

Pay a visit to your dog’s veterinarian.

Your veterinarian can determine whether or not your dog’s symptoms are related to osteoarthritis by performing a thorough physical exam. There are some other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of osteoarthritis such as lumbar disc disease. It’s important that these conditions be ruled out before initiating treatment. If your dog’s arthritis pain is severe, you veterinarian may recommend anti-inflammatory medications or even low dose cortisone. These can sometimes have a dramatic impact on arthritis pain in dogs.

Start your dog on a regular exercise program.

Exercise has been shown to help alleviate arthritis pain in dogs and can even help to slow down the progression of the disease. Schedule several shorter walks for your dog throughout the day to help keep his joints flexible. If you notice he’s stiff and appears more lame on the following morning, cut back his exercise intensity for a day or two. An early morning walk upon awakening can be excellent way to alleviate morning stiffness and discomfort.

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Take off some pounds.

If your dog with arthritis is carrying around excess pounds, this puts additional strain on his joints. Now would be a good time to reassess your dog’s diet and the amount he’s being fed on a daily basis. Cut back on the treats throughout the day and make sure your dog is getting his daily walks. Reducing body weight is one of the best things you can do to help with arthritis pain in dogs.

Adjust your dog’s sleeping area.

If your dog with arthritis is sleeping on a hard surface, add some extra cushioning or purchase a special orthopedic dog bed which you should be able to find at your local pet store or from the internet. There are even heated pet beds available to help with arthritis pain in dogs.

Treat your dog to a soothing massage.

A soothing massage can be an excellent way to soothe your dog with arthritis. To do this locate the painful joints, and gently massage the area using a circular motion. Watch your dog relax as he revels in the experience. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, you can also enlist the help of a professional pet massage therapist.

There are many simple things you can do to ease the pain of your dog with arthritis. By taking a few simple steps, you can make your dog much more comfortable and increase his mobility significantly.