5 Ways to Get to Sleep Faster

We all have those nights where we just can’t fall asleep no matter what we try. I know there has been a time or two where I’ve thrown a pillow at my clock, hoping that the time would wind itself back a couple of hours. You can literally hear the clock ticking down your last minutes of rest before you are due at work the next morning or something else really important.

There are some ways besides medicine that have helped some people fall asleep. I have tried some of these ways before and they have helped me out pretty decently. Sometimes you have to get a little creative, but not always. I have five suggestions to help bring on sleep easier, and maybe they’ll work for you.

1. Block Light
A bright light in someone’s eyes can be very distracting when they are trying to get to sleep. If you live in an apartment like I do or on a busy street, then I’m sure you remember the oh-so-wonderful, car headlights at night shining through your window. Or just as bad, are the annoying numbers of your alarm clock right by your head, ticking away the last few precious hours of sleep. One thing you could do is hang up heavy curtains over your bedroom window. Even a towel will do. Also, turn your alarm clock sideways or completely around. Without light annoying or distracting you, you have an easier chance of letting yourself sink into the welcoming darkness of sleep. One other thing to remember is that if you can see what time it is, that may make you stressed out, seeing that you have realized how much time you have left before another busy day.

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2. Watch What You Eat and Drink Before Bed
If you love guzzling sodas before bed, you are only filling yourself up on caffeine – one of the many things that can help energize you. If you have too much to drink before bed, there is a chance of interrupted sleep (bathroom). Also, try to cut the carbohydrates before bed. Any fatty or sugary foods before bed will have you up and running around – or with a stomachache. Try to eat no more than three hours before bed. If you absolutely have to have something to eat before bed, avoid anything crunchy and try to eat something like cheese, turkey, or lettuce – they have natural chemicals in them that help send a “calming” message to your body.

3. Watch Your Exercise
Many of us try to cram exercise in whenever we can – and sometimes that’s at night, and I admit even I have done that before. Try to exercise in the late afternoon, that way, you will be more tired when it is time to go to bed. If you exercise before bed, that will usually get your adrenaline going. Next thing you know, your heart is pumping fast, and you are breathing harder. You may want to go to sleep, but your body probably doesn’t want to.

4. Read
I have found reading something before bed helps calm my body some. After awhile, I’m too bored and sleepy or even the words from whatever I was reading have started to blur. Try to read something (not scary) for about a half hour or so if you can’t fall asleep.

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5. Relax
I’m sure almost all of us have been told this by our doctors – RELAX!. Relax not just your body, but also your mind before bed. Make sure your bed is clean and comfortable (a good mattress and pillow). Make sure your room is picked up also – makes less of a distraction and something else not on your to-do list. If you have trouble falling asleep, try a soothing bath and simple, relaxing breathing exercises to relax your muscles. Also, clear your mind of everything – from stressful events to the great ones. If your mind is kept too busy, you won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time. One thing that works for me, is I play “Lifescapes” music. “Lifescapes” is a wonderful series of CDs that are designed to help you through your day or to get to sleep easier and quicker. Some of the CDs have soft melodies (no words) and might be mixed with nature sounds. Some nature sounds are considering soothing and will help lull you to sleep. Some “Lifescapes” CDs I recommend are “Sleep,” “Destination Dreams,” and “Pure Relaxation.” You can find these CDs at www.lifescapesmusic.com or your nearest Target store. Usually when I play one of their relaxing CDs, I’m able to fall asleep within five to ten minutes.

So, if your ever having trouble falling asleep, try some of the ways I suggested. They may work for you like they have for me. And hey, you may have other great ways to help you and others fall asleep easier and quicker. However, if nothing you try has helped you fall asleep easier or even at all, I recommend go see a doctor. Sometimes you may need a sleep aid or something could be going on with you that needs to be taken care of. Lets all try to get some sleep, so we are energized and ready to face another busy day.

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