5 Vitamins for Everyday Health

I have been taking the same vitamins everyday for a couple years now, and I find they really help make my day great. There are many who feel taking vitamins aren’t essential to your everyday health and that you get what you need from the food you eat. In today’s society, so many of us are on the run, eating poorly, and getting less and less exercise. Taking a couple vitamins daily will help promote better health in this hectic life, and make you feel good. The 5 vitamins I have been taking help create a healthy and happy me! They are vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and vitamin B-complex.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps our body fight heart disease. It is considered a strong antioxidant and is fantastic for our overall health. I find that taking 200 IU of vitamin E helps keep my skin and hair glowing and my immune system strong. Vitamin E is linked to helping fight various ailments and may be beneficial to people with arthritis, allergies, and even cancer. Vitamin E is essential to maintaining a heart healthy life.

Vitamin C is another antioxidant that helps our body fight against free radicals in our environment. I take 100 milligrams of vitamin C every day to keep me feeling strong and happy. Vitamin C is commonly used to help fight the common cold, but by taking vitamin C on a daily basis, can help keep the body from succumbing to a cold. It is also a heart healthy vitamin and is even linked to assisting with the fight against cancer. Our bodies don’t have the ability to create vitamin C on their own, so we must obtain it either through supplements or dietary intake.

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Taking calcium helps promote healthy bones. Being a woman, I am always trying to find ways to increase my calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis. Men are in need of additional calcium to assist with healthy bones and teeth. There is also a potential link between high blood pressure and calcium intake. Calcium may also assist with maintaining a healthy weight. I take 100 milligrams of calcium a day to keep my bones strong and my teeth healthy, and help me maintain my weight.

Iron maintains blood and heart health. I am slightly anemic and taking iron helps my body stay oxygenated and working at it’s best. Being low in iron is linked to fatigue and distress. Iron keeps blood and oxygen moving through your body making sure your all parts of your body are working together. Iron also helps keep your immunity strong. I take 20 milligrams of Iron a day to maintain healthy blood.

Vitamin B-complex is made up of several kinds of vitamin B that are essential to cell metabolism. Vitamin B complex is a powerhouse, maintaining healthy skin and nails, keeping the immune system strong, promoting a healthy metabolism, and helping cell growth and division. I take a B- 50 complex daily. Vitamin B-complex is usually packaged as either B-50 or B-100 complex. You just can’t go wrong with vitamin B-complex! If I were going to take only one vitamin a day, it would be vitamin B-complex!

Vitamins are a great way to help keep your body working at it’s best, and for a small investment, beneficial to your overall health. I find taking these 5 vitamins provide me with great everyday health. A few vitamins a day just might help keep the doctor away!

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