5 Simple Home Remedies for Headaches

Your head is killing you because of a headache. You try and figure out what may have caused it, but to no avail. Haven’t we all gone through the same scenario: get a headache, and while our head is pounding we try and figure out what may have caused it in the first place. If you can figure out what caused it, you can do what you can to avoid it in the future. Following is 5 simple home remedies for headaches, of which some of them also may lead you to the cause of the headache in the first place.

Simple Home Remedy for Headache # 1

Turn off the t.v.! Not only will too much noise for too long of a time from the t.v. cause a headache, but looking at a television for too long will cause one, too. Those electrically-charge particles emitted out from your t.v. can play havoc on your head after awhile. It’s no secret people get up from the t.v. after watching it for an extended period of time, and then notice what a splitting headache they have.

Simple Home Remedy for Headache # 2

Drink more water. Most of us are aware our bodies are made up mostly of water; but how many of us drink enough water so as to refresh and replace the water within, and the water lost from, our bodies? When you fail to drink enough water during the day, one of the first warning signs is a headache. Something as simple as drinking water may be all you need to relieve your aching head. Doesn’t sound like a home remedy,” you say. Try it for yourself, and see if this headache home remedy works the next time you recognize you haven’t been drinking much water and have a headache.

See also  Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Simple Home Remedy for Headache # 3

Turn off the radio. Back to the noise factor in what causes many headaches. Hardly ever do we get a headache from talking too much; though it does happen. However, we certainly get headaches from too much noise, or too long hearing noise. We’re created to be peaceful beings. Too much noise gets everyone at some time. Turn off the radio, whether it’s blaring or not. Just another simple remedial action you can do at home to squelch that headache of yours.

Simple Home Remedy for Headache # 4

Turn off the computer. “But my computer is my everything: I work through it; socialize with it; even use it to simply get away from the everyday,” you say. Maybe you’re too young to remember, or maybe you simply never heard: looking at a computer screen for more than a couple of hours at a time is NOT good for your eyes. Think about it: essentially, it’s the same thing as a t.v.-electrically-charged particles emitted out from the screen and into your eyes, AND you’re about five feet closer to the screen than you are when watching a t.v. Step away from the computer (every once-in-a-while).

Simple Home Remedy for Headache # 5

Get some rest. Easier said than done for many. However, even a catnap can do wonders for bettering your headache. Your eyes may simply need a rest; your mind may simply need a rest; your ears may simply need a rest. YOU may simply need a rest or a good sleep. Either way, steal away fifteen minutes for a rest if you have a headache. It just may be the headache remedy that redresses the situation.