5 Home Remedies for Influenza (Flu)

Quick and Easy Remedies

You thought it might be a bad cold. Then a few days letter, you are feeling worse than ever. You try to get up and think you’ve been hit by a bulldozer. There is no worse feeling that having zero strength. Even worse is when you are exhausted, have a fever, and a terrible headache. Of course, there are many other nasty flu symptoms that you may experience, which is why we need home remedies we can turn too quickly for relief.

What is Influenza?

Influenza, better known as the Flu, can cripple you do your bed in a snap. Fevers, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, and chills are all symptoms that you might have the flu. Often times, it’s easy to think you have a common cold when you really have the flu. More symptoms with the flu could be sour throat, coughing, runny or stuffy nose, stomach symptoms, and a hurting chest.

Soothing your Body with Influenza (Flu)

When your body hurts, this can result in feeling exhausted. Sleep as much as possible as often times, your body can heal itself with time and sleep. When your body needs extra help, this is when flu home remedies are helpful. Drink water, Gatorade, and any other fluid you can get down. The more you drink the sooner your body will get better. Chicken Noodle Soup is a Mom favorite.

#1 Flu Home Remedy: Flu Hot Toddy

What you need:

Chamomile Tea


Cinnamon or Nutmeg (A Pinch)

Whiskey/Rum (1-3 tsp.)


A hot toddy is by far the best flu home remedy I have. Not because it will instantaneously heal your flu and many symptoms, but a Hot Toddy just feels good to drink. It’s soft and warm on the throat, and feels good all the way down. Simply put, is a home remedy quickie that can be repeated often.

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To make the Hot Toddy, boil hot water and steep your tea bag. Let this sit for a few minutes then add your rum, spices, and honey. Reheat if it isn’t hot enough. Sip slowly as it will feel good on your sore throat and body.

Tip: I often will make a big batch of the Hot Toddy (minus the Rum), so that I don’t have to keep making it throughout the day. Then when you are ready to have cup, add a little run or whiskey. You will have a perfect Hot Toddy every time.

#2 Flu Home Remedy: Essential Oils

What you need:
Your Favorite Essential Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Lemon Oil
Lavender Oil
Coconut Oil
Chamomile Oil
Eucalyptus Oil

Directions: Sometimes, your body needs a little boost. Add Eucalyptus to your bath. This will help clean out your nose, and help you feel better. I added some of my other favorite essential oils, but add your favorites. Chamomile is great when you are feeling lousy. Add 2 or 3 drops to your bath for a rejuvenating experience.

Tip: Because I use essential oils all the time, I have a supply of each of these oils for constant use. One of my favorite carrier oils is Vitamin E Oil. You can get this at Dollar General for under $2. Another creative carrier is use my favorite lotions. All I do is add a good slab of lotion in my hand. Add whichever essential oil I need and mix in my hand. I go ahead and apply the lotion all over my body. This works like a charm!

#3 Flu Home Remedy: Humidifier

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What you need:
Salt Water

Directions: Steamy water is often what is needed to help loosen the mucous from your nose and throat. Add the salt water to the vaporizer, and you have a great flu remedy. Do this for several hours at a time. If you are going to take an afternoon nap, this is the perfect time to run the humidifier.

#4 Flu Home Remedy: Vegetable and Garlic Soup
This veggie soup will not only help you feel better but can help you get better. We always have a pot of soup on when the family is sick. And yes, the more garlic the better.

What you need:
Crushed Garlic
Frozen Vegetables
Tomato Sauce
2 cups of Water

Directions: Add the tomato sauce, water, frozen veggies to the pot. Use 2-3 Tablespoons of the crushed garlic. You want plenty of garlic in this to help clear you out.

Tip: Add fresh greens into the soup for extra vitamins!

#5 Flu Home Remedy: Juice

What you need:
Fruit or Orange Juice

Directions: When you aren’t feeling well, it’s important to drink lots of juice. Vitamin C is a wonderful way to help your immune system. The Vitamin C you have in your system, the higher your immune system will be. You will get the needed nutrients and vitamins needed.