5 Great Science Fair Project Ideas

A science fair is something that every child gets the opportunity to participate in at least once in their lives. For those of us who have our eyes on one of those luxurious ribbons, a science fair is a big deal too. The toughest part about making an amazing project is thinking of a good idea to get it started. Well, relax your thinking muscles now and read through this list of great science fair premises that will be sure to help you place.

1. Can People Distinguish Between Fat-Free and Regular Foods?

People often complain that fat-free foods are noticeably different from the original, but is this partially due to expectations and perceptions about the food itself? Allow a number of people in your class to taste two unmarked bowls of fat-free and original snacks by the same brand. After tasting, let people vote on which they think is fat-free and which they think is the original. Blindfold them to ensure that their choice is based on taste alone and not any other giveaways.

2. Does Chewing Gum Affect Test Scores?

Test the urban myth that chewing gum during testing improves scores once and for all. Choose a group of people to be in your study. Record their normal scores on a test in a class that they all share without allowing any of them to chew gum. Then for the next test tell half of them to chew gum during their test. Get their new scores and see if they have changed dramatically enough to give any weight to the theory that gum chewing affects test scores.

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3. The Effect of Music on Plants

Get three or more small potted plants of the same species and size for your experiment. Water all three of them the exact same amount and at the same time and place them in places that are extremely similar (so they get the same amount of sunlight). To one plant do nothing. This will be the control. To another, play loud rock music around it for extended periods of time. To the third plant, play classical music for extended periods of time. Record the growth of your plants to see if there is any connection to the music and your plants.

4. Test pH Levels of Different Soils

Using litmus paper or some other method to test the pH levels of various kinds of soil. Explain how the different levels of pH affect plant growth and what different methods are available to change the pH of soil. Make sure your soil types are from different ecosystems and consider bringing samples from these places to show the typical plants that live there.

5. Explain Why The Sky Is Blue

Settle once and for all for all of the four year olds out there exactly why the sky is blue and why it turns other different colors. Explain how dust particles in the air can change the appearance of our atmosphere. Branch out towards how humans see color and how white light can get refracted into different colors. Add some nice pictures of sunsets and prepare for that blue ribbon.

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Source: http://www.lasciencefair.org/ideas.htm