5 Easy Exercises for Healthy Joints

As we age, joint pain becomes a concern for many. There are things we can do, however, to reduce our level of discomfort and ward off joint pain for a longer period of time. As with many maladies we experience in older age, exercise is the key to keeping our joints flexible and pain-free. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

Range of Motion – Arm Circles

One of the outcomes of deteriorating joint health is loss of range of motion. Luckily, there are exercises we can do to restore our range of motion and eliminate the pain that comes with it. To increase your range of motion you simply do exercises that stretch you to your range limit and then repeat. Gradually, you will see your range increase and your flexibility in those areas will too.

One common range of motion exercise is called “arm circles,” and is for your shoulders. Place your arms straight out to your side and begin moving them in small circles. Gradually increase the size of the circle until you reach your range limit. Once there, repeat a few times and then change the direction of your circles and gradually make them smaller. Range of motion exercises should be performed at least every other day.

Range of Motion – Hip Abduction

For many aging adults, our hip joints become painful and problematic as we grow older. A simple exercise that can help keep them in shape is the “leg lift.” Lie on your right side with your right knee bent. Slowly lift your left leg until it is about two feet in the air. Lower it slowly and repeat. When finished with your set, simply change sides and repeat with the other leg.

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Strengthening – Squats

Strengthening exercises will help build strong muscles that protect and support your joints. Squats are an example of a strengthening exercise that many doctors agree are one of the best exercises a person of any age can do. To perform a squat, stand with your feet even with your hips, with your toes facing straight ahead. Bend your knees and lower your hips, keeping your body straight and stomach pulled in tightly. Strengthening exercises should be done every other day.

Low-Impact Aerobic – Biking

Riding a bike is an aerobic exercise that is easy on your joints, and therefore a great choice for those of us suffering from joint pain. Another advantage of biking is that it works several joints at the same time. In addition to building muscle and burning fat, aerobic exercise increases our stamina and results in a higher energy level throughout the day.

Aerobic exercise should be performed for 30 minutes three times a week. For those who already experience joint pain, that time can be broken up into 10-minute segments without significantly affecting the outcome of your workout.

Low-Impact Aerobic – Swimming

One of the best ways for people with joint pain to exercise is by swimming. The water offers a natural resistance that makes our exercise more efficient without producing pain from impact. When you change your swimming strokes, for instance from freestyle to the backstroke, you exercise a different set of muscles and get more from your workout. Swimming can also be a good range of motion exercise.


“Top 10 Exercises for Healthy Joints,” WomenFitness.net

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Exercise Helps Ease Arthritis Pain and Stiffness,” MayoClinic.com