5 Best Exercises for Osteoporosis

Ok, so you want to exercise but you have osteoporosis. What to do? While it’s certainly true you need to be very careful when exercising if you have osteoporosis, that doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy yourself when doing exercises that have minimal impact on your bones. Let’s call these osteoporosis exercises FOE: fun osteoporosis exercises. Or you could think of the acronym FOE as the fun you’re having fighting off your foe, osteoporosis. Of course, doing these osteoporosis exercises takes into account your bone mineral density test hasn’t come back with results that would preclude you from doing any exercises. So, too, these osteoporosis exercises don’t take into consideration osteoporosis may be more problematic for you on one part of your skeleton than the rest. It goes almost without saying, be sure to check with your doctor so that you can hear his advice when you’re deciding whether to embark on an exercise regimen.

1) Walking. Yes it sounds simple enough, but simply walking a measure during the day at your favorite park, or through your neighborhood, is the single most effective, and potentially the most enjoyable exercise, you can do. Perhaps you’ll discover thoughts and things you never knew before while walking wherever it is you choose. And unlike jogging or running, it’s a low impact osteoporosis exercise. How fast you walk is up to you, just as long as you enjoy the day you’ve been given.

2) Gardening. Ok, so some people don’t view gardening as exercise. But if you’ve ever put some time into it, you know it’s not all coming up daisies or a bed of roses. Stooping, squatting, pulling, even pushing, and so much more are all involved in gardening. And like we said at the outset of this article, doing these osteoporosis exercises can be viewed two-fold: having fun while fighting off your foe.

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3) Fishing. Now, here’s one activity that to many doesn’t seem much like an activity at all. Let’s look at the physical aspect of it though. You have to get to wherever you’re going to drop your line, right? So, there’s the physical activity associated with that. If you’re going to use worms, you may want to dig up your own. So there’s that. If you’re using a rod and reel, or looking to get your line out as far as you can at whatever fishing hole, river, lake, etc., you’re at, you need to cast: and that means using some strength. And what if you’re using a lure, or need to cast and retrieve on a regular basis, because the fish you’re going for requires such? More exercise, right?

4) Flying a kite. Another exercise seemingly pulled out of thin air. Again, let’s go over the physical aspect of this osteoporosis exercise. You have to procure a kite, if you don’t already have one. For some, that may even involve making it. Either way, it’s exercise. And don’t let it be a windy day you decide to go fly a kite: a strong, stiff wind can be hell on your arms after awhile. Nevertheless, you’re having good wholesome fun all the while doing your osteoporosis exercise.

5) Sightseeing. This one may seem a lot like walking, but sightseeing can be so much more. You can choose to go sightseeing anything: birds in the trees; buildings in a large city such as New York; cloud watching in the sky. Notice all of these suggested sightseeing osteoporosis exercises involve looking up. While our necks are designed to look up, it certainly will get a workout from craning up more than usual. That’s not to say anything about the other parts of your body that could get be involved in this osteoporosis exercise. Enjoy!