3 Easy DIY Baby Gift Baskets

Do you want to bring a truly unique gift to the next baby shower you attend? Try making some DIY baby gift baskets. Baby gift baskets are easy and fun to make. Purchase an inexpensive basket and stuff it with these items to create unique baby gift baskets for the grateful new mom.

Practical Baby Gift Baskets

Any new mother will be happy to receive practical baby gift baskets filled with items she will use every day. Fill practical baby gift baskets with two small receiving blankets as well as two larger ones than can be used for swaddling. Include 3 cloth diapers and some cute bibs.

Onesies are an inexpensive addition to practical baby gift baskets. Make sure to buy 0-3 size as babies outgrow the newborn size very quickly. A cute stuffed animal will look great in the baby gift basket and provide the baby with something to snuggle when they get a little older.

Save the new mother some worry by including some common baby medicines such as Baby Tylenol and Mylicon drops. If the baby gets sick, mom will already have what she needs to help baby feel better.

Bath Time Baby Gift Baskets

Baby gift baskets with a bath theme can be a lot of fun to make. Fill the basket with some hooded baby towels. These are great for keeping baby dry and warm after a bath. Make sure to also place some wash clothes into your bath time baby gift baskets.

The new baby will need to be groomed, so include some baby nail clipper and nail files in your baby gift baskets. This will save a new mother from an extra trip to the store after the baby arrives and she realizes she forgot to buy these items.

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Get a bottle of baby shampoo that doubles as body wash for your baby gift basket. You can also include a bottle of baby lotion. A baby hair brush is another inexpensive item you can add to bath themed baby gift baskets. Place a rubber ducky on top of the other items in the baby gift basket to finish it off.

Baby Gift Baskets for the Sports Fan

Is the mother-to-be a sports fan? Use the colors of her favorite sports team in your baby gift basket. Purchase onesies and blankets in these colors to fill baby gift baskets for the sports fan.

You can find tiny jerseys for many sports teams. There are also stuffed animals sporting sports logos that you can include in baby gift baskets. Sports logos come on bibs, towels, blankets, and onesies as well.

No matter what you place into the baby gift baskets you make, the new mother will know you thoughtfully picked out each item with her and her baby in mind. Baby gift baskets are a great way to tailor your gifts to each individual mother and baby.
