25 Drug-Free Therapies to Treat Menopause Depression, Anxiety

Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome): I struggle with each of these issues to a varying degree. For seven years I took the antidepressant Paxil (paroxetine), but I began to put on weight at an alarming rate. When I entered menopause a few years ago, it felt like I had PMS every day. My depression and panic attacks escalated. I decided to quit and find ways to treat emotional distress without medication. Here are 25 drug-free therapies that have kept me off antidepressants and helped me to lose weight and feel better.

* Eat less junk food. Nutrition is essential to combating depression. I eat virtually no fast food, deep-fried food, or processed food. I’ve cut out all but about 200 calories a day of sugar.

* Eat more fresh foods. I eat whole grain breads and lots of fresh vegetables. A big salad with olive oil and vinegar lifts my mood.

* Eat regularly. I eat six small meals daily; if I don’t get regular nutrition, I get irritable and can’t function well.

* Cut out soda and sugared beverages. The only juice I drink is vegetable.

* Stay hydrated. I drink 100 ounces of water daily.

* Add lemon. I put a teaspoon of lemon juice in my water or order water with a lemon wedge at restaurants. Lemon, says Detox Ideas, makes a natural detoxing cleanse. I actually find myself less stressed when I drink enough water.

* Eat less red meat and cholesterol. Antidepressants negatively affected my cholesterol, too. I cut the majority of red meat, eggs, and dairy from my diet.

* Eat better dairy. I eat raw yogurt and Russian kefir for acidophilus (a natural antibiotic). Pravda recently bragged up the nutritional benefits of kefir.

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* Eat beans (fava, hummus, garbanzo) and almonds . Consuming vegetable sources of protein helped me drop my bad cholesterol and boost my good cholesterol without medication.

* Eat more fish and seafood. Science Daily says fish contains essential omega oils helps with mental processing.

* Consume more soy. I drink eight ounces of soy beverage daily and consume edamame regularly. These boost my estrogen naturally and help with the PMS issues.

* Cut down on alcohol. The only alcohol I’ve ever consumed was red wine, but during PMS, it can send me into deep emotional problems. I track my PMS symptoms and avoid alcohol during difficult times.

* Drink limited wine. Red wines like Shiraz, Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon contain resveratrol, a natural antioxidant that promotes heart health, says Mayo Clinic; I limit it to two glasses daily.

* Take supplements. I use Emergen’C, Alive, vitamin B 100, Bach’s Rescue Remedy, and St. John’s Wort.

* Mix it up. I have a tendency to overwork, especially when I am upset. I’m learning to walk away from stressful situations before I explode.

* Relax. I make sure that I get in some play time, fresh air, and exercise regularly. I also indulge in hobbies regularly.

* Take a hot bath or shower or apply a heating pad; I feel much calmer and more capable of dealing with stress after a warm shower.

* Sleep. Depression, stress, and mental anxiety can be as exhausting for me as physical labor; taking a nap, getting to bed earlier, or sleeping in occasionally in the morning makes all the difference. I have staved off emotional meltdowns by getting better rest.

* Read emotional health books; here’s my personal list of most helpful resources.

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* Pay it forward. Giving is very therapeutic for me; I try to do several good deeds every day, even if it’s just leaving a generous tip or making my kids a great meal.

* Meditate. I spend some time daily talking with my higher power.

* Practice daily affirmations and positive self-talk. Part of the way I heal from negative emotional experiences is to process them and replace negatives with positive.

* Journal or blog.

* Build a support network. Whether it’s online friends or a local group, I connect regularly with other adults and share. Daily Strength provides support groups for many issues.