22 Great Quotes by Actor Nicolas Cage

Twenty-two interesting quotes from actor Nicolas Cage.

Passion is very important to me. If you stop enjoying things, you’ve got to look at it, because it can lead to all kinds of depressing scenarios. ~Nicolas Cage

I’ve kind of found over the years that when your acting is really working, you’re in it, but you’re not all consumed by it. You have an objective point of view on it. You’re having a little bit of fun with it. At the end of the day, I was able to switch gears, go home and be excited with it. ~Nicolas Cage

I’m at the point now where I know I’m doing something right when a movie gets mixed reviews, because then I’m not in the box. I don’t want to make it too easy for people and I don’t want to make it too easy for myself. I want to try something unusual. I feel good about the bad reviews because I feel like I’ve affected them on some level. They may not know what I was trying to do but they felt something. ~Nicolas Cage

I was always shocked when I went to the doctor’s office and they did my X-ray and didn’t find that I had eight more ribs than I should have or that my blood was the color green. ~Nicolas Cage

I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther. I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion. ~Nicolas Cage

To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new. ~Nicolas Cage

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My father was always getting excited about something. It’s genetically inside me somewhere.
I cry a lot. My emotions are very close to my surface. I don’t want to hold anything in so it it festers and turns into pus – a pustule of emotion that explodes into a festering cesspool of depression.
~Nicolas Cage

If I let it, it can suck. It can make you feel pretty rotten but I try not to dwell on that. I move on. After all, I’ve had 20 years of being an actor and dealing with bad reviews, or having the door shut in my face and rejection. So at a certain point, you do get kind of callused. I’ve had good reviews too, but inevitably everyone’s gonna get the nasty things said about them. You just have to learn how to cope with it and I think I’ve figured that out. ~Nicolas Cage

I wanted to make an image for myself as an outlaw type. A kind of rock ‘n’ roll sensibility. ~Nicolas Cage

As a teenager I was more of an anarchist, but now I want people to thrive and be harmonious. ~Nicolas Cage

It’s a family that’s loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even. ~Nicolas Cage

Classes were always a bore to me. I wanted to learn things on my own, not by presentations. I was a loudmouth and a clown. It came as a surprise to me, later, that I could be serious and still get attention. ~Nicolas Cage

It’s an alternative to Valium. Rather than drinking a bottle of wine and taking a Valium, if you get into a race-car for two hours and you’re driving 160 miles an hour and you’re trying to stay alive, you can’t think of those problems. It’s just kind of ironic, though, that both things can get you killed. ~Nicolas Cage

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Hollywood didn’t know if I was an actor or a nut or if I was this crazy character I was playing. I had developed an image of being a little bit unusual, different and wild. ~Nicolas Cage

There’s a fine line between the Method actor and the schizophrenic. ~Nicolas Cage

I try to do as many stunts as they’ll let me do. I think it’s important for an audience to feel that the actor’s really doing it. ~Nicolas Cage

I’m sad about this, but we shouldn’t have been married in the first place. ~Nicolas Cage

I think I jump around more when I’m alone. ~Nicolas Cage

One of the first signs of being depressed is that you lose interest in things. That’s why I think it is important to stay passionate. ~Nicolas Cage

I get stimulated by creative people, and by meeting talented people. I like putting things together, and seeing how they work. ~Nicolas Cage

Shock is still fun. I won’t ever shut the door on it. ~Nicolas Cage

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