2009 American Music Awards: Adam Lambert

To say that Adam Lambert delivered a jaw-dropping performance on the American Music Awards would be a gross understatement. This performance, which was his first big appearance since American Idol, will likely have a permanent effect of the psyche people across America.

“In the name of entertainment” Lambert shocked audiences across America with his sensual and provocative performance. The performer will undoubtedly regret his raunchy performance when he gets back the figures from his album which was released earlier today. I seriously doubt that after that racy performance parents will be shelling out money to purchase his album for their children.

Parents and fans across America were up in arms about the hip thrusts, simulated motions of oral sex, and tonsil hockey with the male keyboardist. According to a poll by the New York Daily News, 66% of people believed that Adam’s performance was unnecessary and inappropriate for television.

Former fans and their parents flocked to the ABC discussion board in response. One such parent whose children watched the performance wrote, “If he chooses to do an image change and push sexually explicit entertainment that is his prerogative. I guarantee my kids won’t be watching.”

Another concerned mother aimed her post directly to him, “Lambert forget the gay versus straight debate. You are where you are because America’s children ages 6 to 16 voted for you. Comparing your act to Madonna’s is like comparing the Ice Age to a snow storm. This show was R rated and totally inappropriate for your fan base. I also hope Lambert remembers who his fans were. I guarantee my 12 year old son and 13 year old niece will not be buying tickets to see him!

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And yet again, another disgusted mother wrote, “I thought I was seeing wrong until I went back and looked. That was a sick performance and I can’t believe the AMA decided to allow him to perform that. I’m so glad my kids were already in bed. And for the record it was not just him kissing a guy but also rubbing a guy’s face in his crotch, in a sense imitating oral, along with other inappropriate gestures.

The posts on ABC reflecting dislike for Adam’s performance way out numbered the posts that supported his show. But, none the less, Adam did have some loyal fan support.

One of those fans wrote, “He freely expressed himself in an awesome performance. Janet grabbed crotch during her performance. Were you okay with your children watching that? I am sure that they will ask him to apologize, which I hope he doesn’t do, and that will be that. I can bet he will still be a big success.”

The overwhelming amount of American’s, myself included, found Adam Lambert’s performance inappropriate for television. America was certainly not receptive of his performance. Apparently someone forgot to send him the memo that just a mere decade two decades ago it was not appropriate to show a married man and woman in the same bed on television. I am certain that his fan base and album sales will likely be affected negatively from his questionable “in the moment” performance on the American Music Awards.