10 Uses for Decrotive Window Film

Decorative window films come in many types and styles. They can add an eye catching decorative element to your home, or provide a practical solutions to problems caused by unobstructed windows. As someone new to decorative window films, you may not realize the wide variety of applications that are ideal for the use of decorative window films. Here’s 10 examples that may give you some good ideas for ways to use decorative window film.

1. The sun coming in through the Cathedral’s stained glass windows last Sunday was beautiful. The different colors washing down over the congregation highlighted the bright Spring morning. The cost of real stained glass can be outrageously high. Be it your own home, or a congregation without the funds for real stained glass, decorative stained glass window film can recreate the same feeling.

2. New French doors going into the den added a touch of class that separated the room from the rest of the house. A frosted window film with a woodland design would add a special touch to the glass doors, making yours a truly unique space.

3. A bathroom window, directly inline with the bedroom window of the neighbor. There are many different designs or shades that can provide privacy while still allowing light to brighten a room. A simple frosted window film will block prying eyes.

4. Side light windows running full length alongside the front door seemed like a good idea, but now everyone coming to the door has full view into the house. Decorative privacy window film to the rescue, an accent color will brighten your entry as well as block the view inside.

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5. The house came with clear glass doors installed on the kitchen cabinets. Maybe your china isn’t quite so showy that you want it on display all the time. A decorative window film will masquerade your dinnerware without adding a remodeling bill.

6. Your front door is solid, but your back door has glass in the upper half. Anyone there can see through the kitchen into the living room. With a variety of designs installed on the individual 6″ square panes of glass, the decorative window film adds a mosaic of color to the otherwise bland entry way.

7. The windows behind the kitchen sink line up perfectly with the neighbors bathroom window. Every time you do the morning dishes your unintentionally peeping on someone you’d rather not see at that time. By installing a decorative window film on the bottom half of the window, you’ve successfully blocked the objectionable view, while not obstructing the morning sun from warming your kitchen.

8. Are you using your car as a rolling warehouse? As a traveling sales person, you regularly carry valuable goods that you don’t want on display. A frosted window film will block prying eyes from seeing into your back seat. Remember you can only frost certain windows, and in some states none at all. Be sure to check with your local authorities before obstructing the view through any automotive windows.

9. Where else would you store your boat, motorcycle, or ATV then your garage. With that nice row of windows right at eye level, when your not around anyone that looks can see what your storing inside. Some privacy window film will protect those valuable assets. The less you have visible to the public, the better off you are.

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10. Basement bedrooms, even low first floor bedrooms can be within view of anyone passing by on the sidewalk. Decorative window film will provide privacy while adding a bit of color to a room. You can keep prying eyes at bay while still allowing sun light to brighten your room.

Decorative Window Film can eliminate may different problems in a low cost, reversible way, that won’t damage or permanently alter your existing windows.