10 of the Most Unusual Mental Disorders

The sophisticated web of neurons that comprise the human brain is far more complex than even our most advanced computers. And unfortunately, as we see with computers, not everything in the brain always runs smoothly. While most of us are somewhat familiar with the major mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, there is a whole host of rarer mental illnesses that are truly baffling and mysterious.

This list is composed of 10 of the most unusual, but true, mental disorders ever diagnosed.

Capgras Delusion

If you have seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Capgras Delusion may sound familiar. People suffering from this mental disorder believe that those closest to them, such as family members and friends, have been replaced by physically identical imposters.


Many of us are unhappy with certain aspects of our bodies but people with Somatoparaphrenia actually deny ownership of a particular body part. Quite often they even request an amputation because they are convinced that an arm or leg is not actually theirs, but in fact belongs to someone else.

Genital Retraction Syndrome (Koro)

Genital Retraction Syndrome refers to a mental illness that normally afflicts men (though occasionally women) of Chinese ethnicity. Individuals with the disorder are under the delusion that their genitals are growing smaller and smaller, or even disappearing completely. Mass hysteria cases, dubbed “penis panics,” have been reported on multiple occasions in China.


People with Synesthesia report mixed sensations when reacting to sensory stimulation. For example, synesthetes may “see” music or “taste” words. In some instances, numbers can even be associated with specific personalities or perceived as precise locations in space. Along with brain malnormaties, certain drugs can elicit synesthestic experiences.

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Also known as “face blindness,” Prosopagnosia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult or even impossible for people to recognize faces. Even parents and spouses of people with the disease are unrecognizable; in fact, those closest to the patient are usually the most difficult to identify. In extreme instances, a sufferer may not even recognize his/her own face while looking in the mirror or at a picture.

Alien Hand Syndrome

There is a grotesque scene in Evil Dead 2 in which Bruce Campbell is attacked by his own hand until he eventually cuts it off, only to be further pursued by the amputated extremity. While this is obviously an exaggerated example for a B-horror film, Alien Hand Syndrome is a very real condition. People with AHS often find themselves involuntarily grabbing things, putting food into their mouths, or even punching or choking themselves.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (Micropsia)

Named after author Lewis Carroll’s famed Alice in Wonderland (Carroll is reported to have lived with the disorder), AIWS distorts perceptions of time, space, and body image. Some may see people reduced to tiny figures, while others might perceive their own neck as elongated or shrunken. Micropsia can also affect spacial perception; patients may see hallways narrowing or widening before their eyes, although episodes usually last only 20 minutes or so.

Paris Syndrome

A severe form of “culture shock,” Paris Syndrome primarily affects Japanese tourists who visit the famed city of Paris for the first time. Accustomed to their own harmonious culture and envisioning the idyllic Paris that is portrayed in the movies, they suddenly find themselves confused and disoriented upon encountering a bustling city not immune to rudeness.

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While the condition is rare, a hotline does exist at the Japanese embassy to help people who suddenly find themselves in desperate need of a return flight.

Amputee Identity Disorder

People with Amputee Identity Disorder are physically healthy individuals who operate under the delusion that they would be much happier living life as an amputee. Oftentimes the delusion is accompanied by a strong desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs. Not surprisingly, few doctors will comply with the wishes of someone with Amputee Identity Disorder due to ethical issues.

Hemispatial Inattention (Visual Neglect)

Hemispatial Neglect is a mental disorder that affects people who have damaged one hemisphere of their brain. Due to the nature of the injury, people afflicted with Hemispatial Neglect only recognize one side of their environment. Someone with the condition might only shave one side of their face, for example, or unknowingly eat only the food on one half of their plate. Drawing tasks help diagnose the disorder; for example, patients will draw a clock with all of the numbers scrunched onto one side.

Sources: npr.org
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