10 Largest Countries on Earth by Size

It is very interesting to study and learn about the 10 largest countries on Earth. There are two different measures of the largest countries on Earth, however. There are those largest in size and those largest in population. Here is a list of and information about the 10 largest countries on Earth by size.

10 Largest Countries on Earth by Size

1. Russia – 6,591,027 square miles (17,075,200 square kilometers)

The country of Russia, which is located in Northern Asia, has a wide array of natural resources available within it, including coal, natural gas, oil, and timber. Although Russia is the largest country on Earth in regard to size, unfortunately it is not located in a premier location in regards to major seaways, and most of Russia’s land is not fertile for agricultural use.

2. Canada – 3,854,082 square miles (9,984,670 square kilometers)

Canada, located in Northern North America, is the second largest country in the world. In Northern Canada, there is heavy permafrost, and thus, this area has not been developed as much. Canada is strategically located in regards to Russia and the United States.

3. United States – 3,717,727 square miles (9,631,418 square kilometers)

The United States, another North American country and the third largest country on Earth, has the largest coal reserves in the world – approximately 27% of the total coal reserves in the world. The climate is mostly temperate in the United States. Interestingly, the United States is the third largest in the world in regards to population as well as size.

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4. China – 3,704,426 square miles (9,596,960 square kilometers)

China is located in Eastern Asia, and China’s terrain is mostly mountains. The climate in China is very diverse, and the country has typhoons quite frequently.

5. Brazil – 3,285,618 square miles (8,511,965 square kilometers)

Brazil, the largest South American country in size, has a mostly flat terrain and a mostly tropical climate. In Northern Brazil there are many droughts, while in Southern Brazil, floods are more common.

6. Australia – 2,967,124 square miles (7,686,850 square kilometers)

Australia, located in Oceania, is both a country and a continent. While it is the sixth largest country in the world, it is the smallest continent on Earth. Although, the United States has the largest coal reserves on Earth, Australia is the largest net exporter of coal in the world.

7. India – 1,269,009 square miles (3,287,590 square kilometers)

The seventh largest country on Earth, India is located in Southern Asia. India has the fourth largest coal reserves in the world, and is located near important trade routes.

8. Argentina – 1,068,019 square miles (2,766,890 square kilometers)

Argentina, located in Southern South America, has a mostly temperate climate and many fertile plains. Argentina is also strategically located near sea lanes.

9. Kazakhstan – 1,048,877 square miles (2,717,300 square kilometers)

Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has a continental climate and plentiful natural resources.

10. Sudan – 967,243 square miles (2,505,810 square kilometers)

Sudan, the tenth largest country on Earth, is located in Northern Africa, and the country’s terrain is mostly flat. Sudan is the largest country in Africa and is home to much of the Nile and its tributaries.

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