10 Free Birthday Gift Ideas

Free birthday gifts are quite popular in the current financial climate. And free doesn’t have to be junk. As a matter of fact, a free birthday gift can be very meaningful. It just takes a little more thought – and will be valued much more, because ideas for free birthday gifts come from the heart.

1. Create a Coupon: You can easily make birthday coupons for your friends, family and coworkers for free. To create these free birthday coupons, open a word processing program and search for clipart that will match your coupon. For example, if you want to give your child a free birthday coupon that entitles them to a month without having to take out the trash, you could search for trash can.

Once you have selected an image, type your message next to the coupon, selecting a nice font to add character to your free birthday coupon. After you have made the number of free birthday coupons that you need, print them out and put them in an envelope.

We suggest decorating the envelope to make the gift more special. For example, if you have stickers around the house your child would like, decorate the envelope that way. If the free coupons are for your partner, decorate the envelope with hearts and love quotes that can be found online.

2. Make Homemade Treats: Homemade treats make the perfect free birthday gift. If you have a well-stocked pantry, you can easily make a free birthday gifts. Choose easy recipes. Last time, we chose four recipes, split the recipes up and packaged them in birthday boxes (but you could easily put the treats on paper plates and wrap them with birthday wrap and/or plastic wrap.)

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The people we gave these free birthday gifts to were thrilled. They liked the snacks and treats more than gifts that weren’t free. Free birthday gifts that come from the heart mean more than something hastily picked up at the local department store.

3. Make a Collage: Whether it’s for your friends or family, a collage of pictures makes a great free birthday gift. A great idea is look online for pictures of celebrities whom your loved ones like. Print the pictures out on photo paper and assemble them on a large piece of cardboard.

You can take a part of a large shipping box and use it to assemble your pictures on. We think it looks great to overlap the pictures. This way the cardboard is completely covered and all you see are the pictures. You can do the same thing with family pictures. This makes a great free birthday gift.

4. Offer Your Services: If you specialize in something, you can easily give a free birthday gift this year. For example, if you own a bakery, offer to make your friends cakes for their birthday parties. If you are a mechanic, offer to change your friend’s oil for free. Your friends will greatly appreciate your services and it will be free.

5. Have a Romantic Dinner: And we don’t mean at a fancy restaurant. This is a great free birthday gift idea for boyfriends/husbands. Prepare your girlfriend/wife a meal from scratch on a night you know will be really hectic for her.

For example, if she calls to tell you that she’s going to go and finish up the birthday shopping that evening, have dinner ready when she gets home. She’ll love you for it.

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Another idea, for friends, is to cook a romantic dinner for him/her. Arrive at their house with food from your own pantry and fridge. If your friend has a dining room, set it up with candles and turn down the lights.

If your friend doesn’t have a dining room, set up their living room in a very romantic way. Maybe pushing the coffee table out of the way and placing a blanket and several pillows in the floor and candles around the room. Have your friend sit down and enjoy his/her company while you go into the kitchen and prepare them a wonderful dinner. This is a free birthday gift idea that cannot miss.

6. Give Him/Her a Night Off: Do your friends have a really hectic life? Work, kids, sports practice and more? Give your friends the nights off. Offer to take their children to practice and then take them to your house for dinner, or babysit them for the evening. This will allow your friends to relax after work. A night of relaxation is a wonderful free birthday gift.

7. Do His/Her Errands: Does your partner have several errands to do on the weekend? Do they have to get the oil changed, go grocery shopping or get the kids hair cut? Let them take the weekend off. Get the grocery list from them, take the car and get the oil changed and pick up the groceries. This free birthday gift will get you lots of brownie points.

8. Have Fun with Crafts: Are you good at a certain craft? Do you know how to do cross-stitch or crochet? Make your loved ones a free birthday gift using the hobby you love. A free homemade birthday gift your loved ones can keep forever means so much. When you put so much time into a gift, your recipients do not think about the fact that the birthday gift was free.

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9. Create a Book: We all have notebooks lying around the house. Create a free birthday gift that will show how much you really do care. Go online and search for quotes and poems that match the relationship you have with this person.

For example, if you are making this book for your girlfriend/wife, search for love quotes and poems. Then, decorate the outside of the book with hearts and maybe rose petals that have been pressed in a book. To put this much time in a birthday gift — especially for your girlfriend/wife — will mean more than you ever imagined.

10. Burn a Personalized CD: Everyone has their own favorite songs and music. Make your loved one a CD that has all his or her favorite songs this birthday. If it’s for someone extra special, put songs on there that remind you of them. This is another great birthday gift that is free.

It just requires searching for the music and burning the CD. Remember, simple free birthday gifts must come from the heart.