10 Best Conservative Blogs

One of the more familiar complaints about the main stream media is that it’s reporting tends to be liberally biased. Fortunately, conservative oriented blogs have helped to provide a balance for this bias. Here are a few:

Instapundit is put out by Law Professor Glenn Reynolds, who is also an author, podcaster, TV personality, and a number of other things besides. Instapundit’s slant goes toward the libertarian, with posts that tend to be brief, with lots of links to other parts of the blogosphere, written with rare wit and insight.

Hotair is run by author, columnist, and TV personality Michelle Malkin. The two main bloggers are Allahpundit and Ed Morrissey, formerly of Captains’ Quarters. Hotair posts tend to link with breaking stories about politics or public affairs along with conservative commentary.

Red State
Red State is a group blog, edited by Erick Erickson, that claims to be the most widely read right of center blog on Capitol Hill and the most cited right of center blog in the media. Its posts usually consists of short essays, with links, on various political happenings and issues of the day.

Hugh Hewitt
Hugh Hewitt is run by Hugh Hewitt, a lawyer and radio talk show host. Hewitt’s posts very often contain tie ins to his daily radio show, including transcripts of interviews.

The Corner
The Corner is one of the online blog presences of the venerable National Review. Posts by the National Review writing staff and contributors can be short, pithy comments, with links to other stories, or longer essays. Frequently links are given to articles posted on the National Review website.

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Mark Steyn
Mark Steyn is a famous Canadian conservative and author of the bestselling book, America alone. Steyn recently ran afoul of a so-called Canadian “human rights” commission over writings thought to be biased toward Islam. His fight, detailed on his blog, is celebrated as a struggle between the right of free speech vs politically correct persecution.

Little Green Footballs
Little Green Footballs started life as a general discussion of the interests, including bicycle racing and web design, by its owner Charles Johnson. In the wake of 9/11 is turned into one of the most famous political blogs on the Internet. Little Green Footballs played a crucial role in exposing the Killian documents as frauds and ending the career of Dan Rather. Little Green Footballs has also done investigative work on the altered photographs taken by Adrian Hajj of Israeli bombing in Beirut.

Newsbusters is a site dedicated to exposing liberal media bias by posting examples and critiques of the same.

Powerline is a group blog written by three lawyer friends, John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff, who attended Dartmouth together. Powerline participated in the Killian documents controversy, helping to expose the documents as frauds. Powerline was named 2004 “Blog of the Year” by Time Magazine.

Iowahawk is a conservative blog that frequently uses humorous posts to make its points. A recent post along these lines was “The Idiossey”, a poem written in the style of Homer’s Odyssey about a character named “Obamacles”, an obvious reference to Barack Obama.