10 Best Blogs for Baby Boomers of 2010

With millions upon millions of blogs out there, there is a growing category of blogs devoted to the biggest segment of the world’s population – the Baby Boomers. With baby boomers redefining the meaning of old age, it’s no surprise they would carve out their own individual voice on the Internet. In fact, those who are in their midlife are in the fastest growing segment of the population.

While reviewing blogs, I tried to select those that contribute on a consistent basis. The following 10 blogs represent an interesting kaleidoscope of opinions from a variety of perspectives of this very influential generation:

50 Something – This blog is devoted to 50-something mom’s who lead busy lives taking care of teenage or college-age kids, saving for retirement along with dealing with menopause and hot flashes. Part of the Silicon Valley Mom’s Group of blogs, it’s one of 13 mom blogs around the country. So not only can you check out what’s going on here, you can also check what’s going on around the country as well.

Boomer Cafe – For eleven years, this online magazine has provided lots of relevant information to baby boomers. One of the most popular online magazine for boomers, they have 41 contributors that provide compelling content on a variety of issues.

Midlife Bloggers – This is a cutting edge blog that deals with all things about midlife with sharp writing and humor mixed in. It believes its demographic is between late 30’s to late 60’s. There are posts dealing with careers, health, relationships and current events from the midlife perspective.

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The Fifty Factor – The blog’s author was not happy when she turned 50 and decided to start a blog to chronicle her search for meaning in midlife. Humorous and informative, you’re bound to learn something new when you visit this blog.

Twenty Four at Heart – 40-something Orange County native, Suzanne, gives us a humorous glimpse into her daily life. Her friendly writing style and funny observations about life in the OC make this a great blog to check out.

The Boomer Chronicles – This blog provides an ecclectic variety of posts that give a snapshot into the life of Rhea, a former People magazine correspondent. Be sure to check out her handy checklist entitled “Are You Having a Midlife Crisis?”

Midlife Crisis Queen – A blog created by Life Coach Laura Lee. Devoted to helping others get through their own midlife crisis, Laura provides helpful advice on a variety of subjects.

The New Old Age – A great blog of the New York Times devoted to everything boomer. This blog discusses various eldercare care issues that boomers are dealing with right now. Helpful resources on aging and caregiving are provided as well as a whole range of special reports and reference materials on a variety of health issues.

Time Goes By – The blog’s subtitle “what it’s really like to get older” describes perfectly the purpose of this blog. Refreshing perspective and Intelligent commentary on subjects ranging from politics to coming to terms with aging.

The Boomer Blog – Run by veteran PR professionals, this blog offers a wealth of information about every aspect of the baby boomer generation. Provides a daily snapshot of news and current events and how it impacts the baby boomer generation. Be sure to check out their research section for some interesting facts about boomers.

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Of course, this list is just scratching the surface of the many choices out there when it comes to baby boomer blogs. Also, BlogCatalog.com is a good place to go if you’re looking for even more choices of blogs from this influential generation.


